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Updated January 2025
Our Vision: No one stands alone in our community.
Our Mission: The San Diego Rapid Response Network (SDRRN) is an interconnected system of organizations and individuals working together to respond to dehumanizing immigration enforcement activities, including checkpoints, raids, arrests, and harassment, occurring in San Diego County. We maintain an Immigration Enforcement phoneline for community members to report any immigration-related emergencies and to document such occurrences. We also provide asylum seeker shelter and transition services including critical case management, travel assistance, nutrition services, medical screenings, legal assistance, and financial support for asylum seekers in need of respite shelter.
Our History: The San Diego Rapid Response Network (SDRRN) was launched in December 2017 by the ACLU of San Diego & Imperial Counties (ACLU), the San Diego Organizing Project (SDOP), and SEIU Local 221 in partnership with a coalition of more than 40 immigrant rights and social service organizations, attorneys, and faith and community leaders with the goal of minimizing the impact of enforcement activity, family separation, and deportation on immigrants and their families in the San Diego border region.
Our Core Partners

As a core partner and fiscal agent for the San Diego Rapid Response Network, Jewish Family Service of San Diego manages the Rapid Response Network Fund to support the coalition’s work.
Participating Organizations (Partial List)
We are in the process of updating this list. Please check back later.