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“When The Bus Took Off, We All Cheered”: Asylum-Seekers Trump Forced To Wait In Mexico Are Now Arriving In The US

Buzzfeed News

March 6, 2021

Gerson handed the border officer his Honduran passport and placed his fingertips on a small scanner. This was the last hurdle before his family could escape the kidnapping, threats, and extortion they had endured in Mexico while trying to gain asylum in the US. Now, he and hundreds of other asylum-seekers who spent months holding onto a sliver of hope while being forced by the Trump administration to wait in Mexico are entering the US. Kate Clark, the senior director of immigration services at Jewish Family Service of San Diego, said the group has taken in nearly 300 people who were previously stuck in Mexico under the Trump administration policy.

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He feared for his life in Nicaragua. Under Biden’s new policy, he’s safe in the US


March 3, 2021

Stuck in Mexico for nearly a year under the Trump administration's "Remain in Mexico" policy, asylum seeker Nicholas was finally able to cross into the United States, thanks to an executive order from President Joe Biden. Featuring an interview with CEO Michael Hopkins.

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Influx at Border with Mexico to Test Biden on Immigration


March 2, 2021

Esperanzas infundadas, siguen llegando inmigrantes a una frontera estadounidense que no se abre; familias separadas en la frontera, una nueva controversia en Estados Unidos; se refuerza la batalla para producir más vacunas para los estadounidenses y el Departamento de Estado emite informe con la clasificación de países que fracasaron en la lucha antidrogas.

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Aumenta el Número de Aspirantes al Asilo

Telemundo 20

February 9, 2021

Llegan más a la frontera. Incluye una entrevista con Kate Clark del equipo de inmigración de Jewish Family Service.

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